226th Meeting, New Haven, CT
April 19, 2024



7:30 am

Continental Breakfast


8:00 am

Arya Mani, MD, FAHA, FACC

Robert W Berliner Professor of Medicine and of Genetics. Director of Cardiovascular Genetics Program, Yale University School of Medicine

“The Application of system Biology in identifying causal variant for hypertension”


8:30 am

Matthew Rodeheffer, PhD

Associate Professor, Yale University School of Medicine

“Diet, obesity and metabolic disease”


9:00 am

Benjamin E. Turk, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine

“Decoding Protein Kinase Signaling Networks”


9:30 am

Jonathan Bogan, MD

Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology) and of Cell Biology, Yale University School of Medicine

“How insulin (really) stimulates glucose uptake”


9:50 am

Elizabeth Jonas, MD

Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology) and Professor of Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine

“ATP synthase c-subunit leak metabolism in development, degeneration and repair”


10:15 AM



10:30 am

Nenad Sestan, MD, PhD

Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Neuroscience, and Professor of Comparative Medicine, of Genetics and of Psychiatry, MEDNSC MNBIO Neuroscience Department, Yale University School of Medicine

“What Makes Us Human? Development and Evolution of the Prefrontal Cortex”


11:00 am

Brandon Hubbard

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences 2025; MD/PhD Candidate

“Renal cortical insulin resistance: metabolic defects and molecular mechanisms”


11:15 am

Sisi Zheng

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences 2025; MD/PhD Candidate

“Development of novel fetal hemoglobin inducers using targeted protein degradation”


11:30 am

William Osler Award Winner:
Shelli Farhadian, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases); Assistant Professor, Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases

“HIV and the CNS: what can we learn from single cell studies of the CSF?”


12:00 - 1:30 PM


12:30 - 1:30 PM


Tour of the Yale Art Gallery


1:30 pm

Alexandra Suberi

School of Medicine 2024 (Medicine); MD/PhD Candidate

“Nanoparticle delivery of mRNA to the airway”


2:00 pm

Richard Kibbey, MD, PhD

Ensign Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism), and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Yale University School of Medicine

“How beta-cells (really) sense glucose”


2:30 pm

Tamas Horvath, DVM, PhD

Chair Jean and David W. Wallace Professor of Comparative Medicine and Professor of Neuroscience and of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences; Chair, Department of Comparative Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine

“Hunger Promotes Life”


3:00 pm



3:15 pm

Hattie Chung, PhD

Assistant Professor, Yale Cardiovascular Research Institute, Yale University School of Medicine

“Tools to study the molecular organization of tissues”


3:45 pm

Antonio Giraldez, PhD

Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine

“Mechanisms of gene regulation from embryonic development to therapeutic RNAs”


4:15 pm

Closing remarks and Business Meeting (Members Only)


6:30 pm

Cocktail Reception

The Union League Café, New Haven


8:00 pm



8:30 pm

Coffee and Dessert
Naomi Rogers, PhD

Professor in the History of Medicine and of History, Yale University School of Medicine

“Race, Activism and the Politics of Change: American Medicine since 1945”


9:00 pm



The 226th Meeting of the Interurban Clinical Club was convened on April 19, 2024 at the Cancer Research Building at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.  Local arrangements were made by Dr. Arya Mani.

COUNCIL MEETING: The Council met at 7PM on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at Heirloom, a restaurant located at 1157 Chapel Street in downtown New Haven. Attending were Drs., Luis Garza (Baltimore Councilor), Arya Mani (New Haven Councilor), Marni Falk (Philadelphia councilor), Laura Alonso (New York Councilor), Paul Yu (Boston Councilor), Yelena Ginzburg (Secretary-Treasurer), and Jonathan Bogan (President). Dr. Mone Zaidi (book editor) attended as a non-voting member. The agenda included an update on the website and discussion of publishing the next book in 2030 for which fundraising has begun.  All nominees for membership were discussed.  There were 10 nominations for Active Membership and 1 nomination for Honorary Membership, and it was voted to bring all of these nominations forward at the Business meeting.

SCIENTIFIC SESSION:  The scientific session convened in the Yale Cardiovascular Research Center. The meeting was held in-person. Total attendance was approximately 50, including 23 active and 11 emeritus members, as well as speakers and students. The luncheon was followed by a visit to the Yale Art Gallery with presentations of several Yale art students.

BUSINESS MEETING:  Dr. Yelena Ginzburg convened the Business Meeting at 3:45 PM. The Treasurer’s report was presented.  The general finances remain in order with a balance of approximately $43,331.  The cost of the last meeting was approximately $18,105.  The new nominations were presented to the full membership and were approved unanimously.  Elected to Active Membership were: Drs. Valsamo Anagnostou (Baltimore), Robert Anders (Baltimore), Heidi Kong (Baltimore), Nara Lygia de Macena Sobreira (Baltimore), Kathleen Burns (Boston), Mandar Muzumdar (New Haven), Andrew Wang (New Haven), Audrey John (Philadelphia), Mathew Kayser (Philadelphia), and Rahul Kohli (Philadelphia). Elected to Honorary Membership was Dr. Cato Laurencin (New Haven).  Six members requested Emeritus status: Drs. Andrea Cox (Baltimore), Landon King (Baltimore), Avrum Spira (Boston), Erica Herzog (New Haven), Eric Velazquez (New Haven), Susan Domchek (Philadelphia), Ben Stanger (Philadelphia).  These requests were approved.  There were 74 active members at the time of the New Haven meeting.  Dr. Jonathan Bogan (President) presented the progress in our website, the purpose of which was discussed, and Dr. Wafik El-Deiry presented effort toward the social media presence of the club.  Dr. Calum MacCrae volunteered to oversee and update the website.  The most recently inducted members present at the meeting all introduced themselves (Drs. Sanjay Jain (Baltimore), Anand Vaidya (Boston), Naomi Hamburg (Boston), Shuta Ishibe (New Haven), Silvia Vilarinho (New Haven), and Talia Swartz (New York)).  There was remembrance of recently deceased members (Drs. John Forrest (New Haven), Robert Sherwin (New Haven), K Frank Austen (Boston), Howard Hiatt (Boston), Marc Weksler (New York), and Steven Douglas (Philadelphia)).

SIR WILLIAM OSLER YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD:  The Sir William Osler Young Investigator Award was conferred upon Dr. Shelli Farhadian, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases at the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven. The title of Dr. Farhadian’s lecture was: “HIV and the CNS: what can we learn from single cell studies of the CSF?” A certificate and check for $1,000 were presented.

JONATHAN EPSTEIN SCHOLARS: Three MD-PhD Students were invited to give 15-minute presentations. These students were Brandon Hubbard, Sisi Zheng, and Alexandra Suberi. They were presented with certificates designating them as Jonathan Epstein Scholars.

FUTURE MEETINGS:  The 227th Meeting will be held on November 1, 2024 in Boston. The 228th Meeting will be held in New York on April 4, 2025. The 229th Meeting will be help in Philadelphia on November 7, 2025.

DINNER MEETING: An outstanding dinner was held in the Union League Cafe and was attended by members, guests, speakers, and MD-PhD students.  Dr. Mani gave opening remarks. The speaker for the evening was Dr. Naomi Rogers.  The title of her talk was “Race, Activism and the Politics of Change: American Medicine since 1945.”  An engraved water pitcher was presented to Dr. Rogers.


Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Yelena Ginzburg
Secretary and Treasurer, Interurban Clinical Club